William Shatner speech to Jeff Bezos after Blue Origin launch 您所在的位置:网站首页 return to space william William Shatner speech to Jeff Bezos after Blue Origin launch

William Shatner speech to Jeff Bezos after Blue Origin launch

2023-10-13 20:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Shatner: "And not to have this? You have done something ... what you've given me is the most profound experience I can imagine. I am so filled with emotion about what just happened. It's extraordinary. I hope I never recover from this. I hope that I can maintain what I feel now, I don't want to lose it. It's so much larger than me and life; it hasn't got anything to do with the little green and blue orb. It has to do with the enormity and the quickness and the suddenness of life and death. Oh my god, it's unbelievable."

Bezos: "It's so beautiful."

Shatner: "Beautiful, yes, beautiful in it's way but."

Bezos: "No, I mean your words. It's just amazing."

Shatner: "I can't even begin to express ... what I would love to do is to communicate as much as possible is the jeopardy. The moment you see the vulnerability of everything; it's so small. This air, which is keeping us alive, is thinner than your skin. It's a sliver; it's immeasurably small when you think in terms of the universe. It's negligible, this air. Mars doesn't have any, nothing. I mean, when you think of when carbon dioxide changes to oxygen and what is 20% that sustains our life? It's so thin."

Bezos: "And you shoot through it so fast."

Shatner: "So quickly! 50 miles."

Bezos: "And then you're just in blackness."

Shatner: "You're in death."

Bezos: "This is life."

Shatner: "And that's death. In the moment, this is life and that's death. And in an instant you go 'wow, that's death.' That's what I saw."

Bezos: That's amazing."

Shatner: "I am overwhelmed. I had no idea. You know, we were talking earlier before going: 'Well, you know, it's going to be different.' Whatever that is phrase is that you have, that you have a different view of things? That doesn't begin to explain, to describe it for me."

Shatner: "This is now the commercial. It would be so important for everybody to have that experience, through one means or anything – maybe you put it on 3D and wear goggles to have that experience, that's certainly a technical possibility.

Shatner: "We were lying there, and I'm thinking – one delay after another delay and we're lying there – and I'm thinking 'yeah, I'm a little jittery here.' And they moved the page, and 'oh, there's something in the engine,' they said: 'Found an anomaly in the engine ... we're gonna hold a little longer.' And I feel this, in the stomach, the biome inside, and I'm think 'okay, I'm thinking I'm a little nervous here' and then another delay. By the way, the simulation ... it's only a simulation, everything else is much more involved."

Bezos: "Doesn't capture it."

Shatner: "Doesn't capture it ... and besides, with the jeopardy, BANG this thing hits. That wasn't anything like the simulation."

Bezos: "It's the G forces!"

Shatner: "It's the G forces. And you're thinking 'what's going to happen to me? Am I going to be able to survive the G forces?' You feel that? Am I going to survive it? Good lord, just getting up the bloody [launch tower] gantry was enough. Oh my god, what an experience."

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